29 November, 2013

Hop Sing::: a Black Friday Refuge

Good Night Hop Sing... Thank you for the entertainment ~ everyday!

It's officially the start of the Christmas season! I'm feeling it... How about you? Today marks the newest annual holiday tradition... Black Friday...???  I don't think I care for this concept of commerce. The concept of accounting revenues fading from red into the black feels contrived. 

However, I am very grateful for the winter shopping season beginning! Super excited! I love winter and the holiday splendor and beauty that drifts in with the cold.  Snowflakes, pretty paper, ribbons, sparkling lights & beverages, fair isle knits, boots, hats, hand warmers, gorgeous party attire! Ohhhhh I could just go on.... This week we chose to host a holiday food drive and it has felt so meaningful. The response of the truly generous women who we refer to as our friends and our beautiful customers, has been overwhelming!  Today we invited you ladies to come and play... and play you did! 

Sorry. No door busters here, just a reward for a good deed, and a few rambunctious fashion savvy friends playing dress up, and lots of laughter! This has been a fantastic year and we have only you to thank for that! In a world of endless options, you have chosen to support our tiny little boutique again and again, thank you to the many  fabulous women... You are all so amazing, and so much fun!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... 
And we're going to extend the holiday food drive through the weekend!!!
Any non-perishable food donation gets you a gift certificate good for 25%! 

Embrace the richness of the Holidays in living color! Bohemian couture is where it's at!

Feeling more traditional? We might be able find a little something to keep you cozy this winter!

Winter glare is just as harsh as any other season! Protect yourself in polarized eyewear by SOLO. 

We've expanded our selection of handmade jewelry, including a large collection of made in the USA, yes, even made in Prescott! 

Our mini beauty bar has even expanded... 
This lipgloss is guaranteed to light up your world!

and of course butter LONDON... 
Just what every girl wants filling her Christmas stocking... Right!!!
Especially with Madagascar Druzy stacking rings! Perfection!

oWp... OMG!
You need to just come in and sniff... Words can't begin to describe these...

So yes, we are really excited and looking forward to the season of white! 

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