29 November, 2014

Shopping Small - Gives Back - BIG!

It's 6am on Small Business Saturday - and my feet are still sore from being on them all day yesterday, but today that soreness reminds me of just how truly fortunate I am. Our one-little-independent specialty store was able to participate and actually compete in the corporate lead "BLACK FRIDAY", an event that due to economic realities — cheapens the spirit of the holidays, but officially signify's the start of the holiday buying season to consumers. Despite all the billions of dollars spent in corporate advertising campaigns and inbox's overflowing with e–order bargains, It was a really successful day for us on so many levels... 

For starters November marks Hop Sing's 5th Anniversary, yay! We opened our doors with little more then a wing, a prayer and a concept that would take time and continued reinvestment to execute fully - in fact it's still evolving, as does every entrepreneurial dream worth chasing. We've foregone vacations and eaten more oatmeal then I cared to swallow, in order to protect our investment. That necessary frugality has seen us through some rough spots, and yes, we've seen a few new businesses come and go since then due to the economy. Yet, each day we unlock our shop door we are reminded to be grateful and humbled in the knowledge that it is completely due to our community and their/your support - that we are still here. 

What's in a name?

Daily we're asked, why Hop Sing? The name "Hop Sing" has caused confusion at times, and more then a few customers have told us that it actually took longer for them to walk through our door,  assuming that it was a "Chinese Restaurant" or perhaps only sold goods made in China... hmmm, that problem never occurred to us. We carry more USA made merchandise then most. When we opened our store we thought it was a cute kitschy name - from the beloved western tv show "Bonanza" - kinda an East meets West thing —after all, I had lived my entire adult life in an ethnic melting pot known as Hawaii for over 33 years prior to arriving here in Prescott. I still stumble over the "remove your shoes before entering the house tradition" when presented at the threshold of any door... Anyhow, most people now love our catchy name and associate it with the want and desire of quality clothing, footwear and all things along the fashion accessory trail. Our goods are uniquely curated and often have one of a kind or handmade qualities, and these attributes tend to cost more then mass produced products of low quality. We believe in investing in something lasting and not disposable and cheap.  After all what woman hasn't purchased a great bargain or two that still hangs unworn in her closet years later? Was that a  good deal?  We say buy less and buy better! Invest in the things you decorate your body in! You deserve beauty and quality! You are worth it! Also consider the supply chain... If a garment cost nothing, the garment is most likely made in a filthy sweat shop, by tiny hands in faraway places under very sad conditions. Buy smart, buy ethically and feel better.
“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” – Benjamin Franklin

Well, we've got a busy day ahead of us and wordy is my middle name! I really just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support and Jeff & I just wish you all a truly happy, healthy and beyond blessed holiday season! Now I've got work to do and feet to massage! Click the link to our Facebook page above, and find today's SALE! And then follow along, Hop Sing insiders are the first to know everything!!!



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